Water profile beersmith
Water profile beersmith

water profile beersmith

Fermentation pH below 4.4 favors diacetyl uptake, clarity, and biological stability.High wort pH in boil favors higher (and rougher) bitterness as well as higher Maillard reaction rates.Low wort pH can negatively impact hot break, chill haze, hop utilization, etc….Mash pH between 5.2 and 5.5 necessary to prevent amylase enzymes from denaturing.pH: the measure of how acidic or basic a solution based on the concentration of H + and OH – ions…the scale is logarithmic, so water with a pH of 5 has 10x the H + ions as water with a pH of 6.You should send a sample to an analytical lab to get individual ion concentrations. Most city water reports don’t have the necessary information for brewing.Some homebrewers use Campden tablets to remove chloramine instead of a carbon filter. The use of an activated carbon filter should take care of both of these if used properly. Organic compounds and disinfectants can derail everything you do to make world class beer.By enabling you to make some easy adjustments to your water, you will improve the health of your brewing process from mash to draft. The goal of this blog post is to give you a new tool in the endeavor of making great beer. If you have control of your sanitation and yeast health, you can make good beer.

water profile beersmith

Hope thats enough to get you started anyway.Brewing water can be viewed as the last frontier to many in our industry, but it needn’t be intimidating in the way that quantum mechanics or neuroscience are viewed by many.

water profile beersmith

I think the last reports although technically good are prior to being treated and made potable. This report gives a heap of zones for water sources in Cantabury in a colour coded map near the front which should give you enough to refine your questions to them or you could check out the reports here which have water tables. If you are fed from the water plant west of Chch it looks to be water from multiple aquifers but it could be other ground water supply or from the Waimakariri. Some good information here to get you started. You need to ask for the latest water quality report if its anything like Auckland. Seems it may depend on which council you are under to find out your water source. I was going to add the two together and divide it which seems reasonable but might be better with a higher ratio of the Ardmore. Unfortunately I don't know what the mix ratio is of the two waters and no clarity was given on this. I see it is mentioned quite a bit regards some of the Trappist breweries in Belgium. I can't find bicarbonate levels but it may be under another title. These two water profiles are quite different which has given me a bit of a quandry. My main water source is from Ardmore with occasional top ups from Waikato. I have spoken to a couple of chemists and a couple of people from Watercare and got all the water data I can from my area, Beach Haven, Northshore of Auckland. I've only ever used tap water for brewing, never tried to alter it in anyway but now I am looking at going the whole hog to see what difference it makes, if any. I'm just updating my water profile in Beersmith2 and have a few questions, if anyone has any answers they would be appreciated.

Water profile beersmith